Noor Palestine Solar Program

Solar Rooftops Program

Solar Rooftops for the residential, commercial and Public sectors.

Massader’s Noor Palestine program includes a plan to provide renewable energy to residential, commercial, and government buildings through rooftop solar PV systems. This is in addition to Massader’s public school rooftop solar power program.

Massader seeks to satisfy approximately three percent of Palestine’s energy demand by installing rooftop PV systems with an aggregate supply of 35MW on households, dozens of commercial buildings, and government buildings. 

This commitment to renewables will revolutionize Palestine’s energy sector, by utilizing non-productive rooftops to secure electricity, with all excess electricity sold back to the grid using a net metering mechanism. 

The program will allow residential, business, and public sector customers to own independent, green energy systems, secure power free of charge after financing is complete, and become active participants in the energy sector

Power Consumption Form
Interested in Solar Power on your rooftop?
Please fill in the details below and a member of our team will contact you.